Sick to busy. Whenever I get sick--which isn't often--that seems to be the trajectory because I have to catch up on whatever I couldn't or didn't do when I wasn't well.
And over the last couple of days I had another complication, albeit a welcome one: I started to teach another class at a technical institute.
A while back, I'd sent them a resume. They said they'd "get back to" me. I'd assumed they'd forgotten or "forgotten." Then again, there didn't seem to be anything on my resume or in my communication with them that could have "outed" me, so I guess they really didn't "forget" me. Last month, a dean called and asked whether I could do a class in January. I agreed, and he said he'd keep me in mind in case a course came up in October.
The institute's semesters are eight weeks long, and commence throughout the year. The dean thought the October courses were already filled and he had just begun to do the January schedule when he called me. But he had a last-minute cancellation, so he sent me an e-mail asking whether I could teach a technical writing class, starting this week. I agreed, and that's where I was yesterday.
Naturally, one of the reasons I took the course was to make some money. But I think that it will help me to develop some new contacts. That's a lot of fun when you're still a little woozy after spending a week in your house, unable to do much of anything.
Diseases Don't Care.
14 hours ago