16 February 2015

Bri Golec: Murdered By Her Father, Misidentified By Him And Local News Media

People have told me that I'm a good storyteller. Whatever may narrative skills may be, I don't think they account for the tears some people shed when I told them about some of the young people who participated in a group I co-facilitated for two years.

They were young trans people, most in their teens but a few in their early 20's.  Some had begun to take hormones; others had literally just gotten off buses or vehicles on which they hitched (or performed acts no one should have to do to get) from Alabama and Nebraska and other places I can scarcely even imagine.

Some had been kicked out of their homes when they "came out" or simply were caught wearing clothes or engaging in behaviors not considered appropriate for someone of their birth gender.

And they were the lucky ones.  Others were assualted, raped or otherwise endangered by family members. One literally ran out the door steps ahead of a mother who chased him (a trans male) with a knife.

That is why stories like that of Bri Golec enrage, but do not surprise, me. The 22-year-old was stabbed to death in Ohio by her father, who told investigators that his "son" belonged to a cult and that members invaded his home and attacked.

But Kevin Golec wasn't the only one who misidentified the gender of his child.  So did every local media outlet, according to the Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents blog.


  1. BRAIN was murdered by his father who is a heroine drug addicted that STOLE from Brian. This is NOT a hate crime. I have been friends with him since I was 14, and I am now 23. Today we buried him and I still have to get online and see HIS face everywhere because of your "writers" making lies up because of Jacob Nash who did not know Brian that well. Nash is a liar and will do anything to get attention. The Trans community is ashamed because of this man. Stop mixing things up to make it a hate crime. You do not know the pain these lies are telling. If you do not take it down then I will see to it that you receive very angry emails from his real friends and family. I am trying to be as nice as I can since I had to see someone I love ripped from me and these lies are hurting us worse.
    -Tierra Littlefield

  2. Tierra Littlefield--Nowhere in my post did I say that it was a hate crime. There are, nowever, these indisputable facts:

    1. Bri was stabbed by her father.

    2. Her father made up a story about the killing when the police.

    3. He misidentified her gender.

    I do not presume to know her father's motivations for killing her, and I did not say or even imply that it was a hate crime. However, it's hard not to see how a reasonable person--especially one who is trans--might wonder whether transphobia played a role.

    Also, I mentioned that the news media misrepresented her gender, as did her father. I wanted to give her the dignity in her death that was denied to her. If you want to unleash the wrath of your firends on me for that, be my guest. I have survived far worse things, including an abusive relationship, rejection and sexual assaults. i'm not afraid.

  3. Tierra Littlefield--Nowhere in my post did I say that it was a hate crime. There are, nowever, these indisputable facts:

    1. Bri was stabbed by her father.

    2. Her father made up a story about the killing when the police.

    3. He misidentified her gender.

    I do not presume to know her father's motivations for killing her, and I did not say or even imply that it was a hate crime. However, it's hard not to see how a reasonable person--especially one who is trans--might wonder whether transphobia played a role.

    Also, I mentioned that the news media misrepresented her gender, as did her father. I wanted to give her the dignity in her death that was denied to her. If you want to unleash the wrath of your firends on me for that, be my guest. I have survived far worse things, including an abusive relationship, rejection and sexual assaults. i'm not afraid.
