17 July 2013

Malaysian Politician Appoints Transgender Secretary

Even with all of the discrimination we face,  those of us who live in North America or western European countries can easily forget how much more male-dominated the political, cultural, financial and other instutions in other parts of the world are.  

That's important to remember because, as we well know, such male domination can easily turn into homo- and trans-phobia.  However difficult it is for us to get jobs in corporations, universities and other institutions, it's that much more difficult for LGBT folks--especially for male-to-female transgenders--in countries like Malaysia.

That is why it's such a milestone in that country when a Democratic Action Party Assemblyman like Teh Yee Cheu appoints Hezreen Shaik Daud to a committee that will collect data and work to improve the welfare of transgender people in Malaysia.

Daud, who speaks Mandarin, English and Hokkien in addition to Malaysian, expressed her gratitude to Cheu.  At the same time, she acknowledged that she is taking on a "challenge" that she hopes to use to "show that we are as capable in our work as others."

Ms. Cheu began to work in her post on Monday, the 15th.  As we say in this country, "You go, girl!

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